Category Archives: Uncategorized

Hang on lads, I got a great idea…

How about cutting out ALL caffeine again and all stress. To see how that affects my breathing.
I think I’m in this merry go round again where psychosomatic symptoms go round my body; stomach, breathing, chest etc…

Rereading this

Started reading this blog again. Tried to set up on new phone but couldn’t remember password and I think email is an old one I no longer have link to. This WordPress app on old iPod doesn’t seem to let me access passwords…

Can’t we just post by date?

I’m keeping a hand written diary. Will supplement it with this. The writing in it late at night, so avoiding stress from tv or computer, helps me sleep.


Not sure if last post went up , I shall keep posting on this piece of crap until it does

Black Dog

I am heading for some kind of breakdown again,  that’s what it feels like. The black fog that descend, is not being a cured by trips out into town.

Pay parking fine

1 Pay parking fine Sun, 10/16/2011

lost phone search

Been up since midnight/
bought food i ate in park past
decide to go to baker st but by time i get there its closed of course – a classic …
retire to Witherspoons to write this

Finally back in

i have been wanting to update this blog for a while but have been hampered by not being able to get in.
GF only here for one more week then going home sat 😦

I am cured

I am cured of my anxiety. Symptoms went a while ago and I no longer have fear of new situations/meeting new ppl /situations.

The way to avoid the nasty surprises you don’t like is to have a grip on everything . Know what’s in your bank account , keep a record of what u spend(!) who u talk to etc

The way to avoid the nasty surprises you don’t like is to have a grip on everything . Know what’s in your bank account , keep a record of what u spend(!) who u talk to etc
Plan everything- like knowing how to get to your bank account details when abroad! And the pin numbers for cards you rarely use etc
By tackling problems before you have to you avoid unpleasant surprises and are able to get a grip on your life.

Sent from my iPod